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Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Message

Well 2010 has come and gone. I still cannot believe how fast the past year flew, faster than a bullet. However, I am sure like me; you are looking forward to a bigger and better year for 2011. A year filled with happiness and success. 

For many, 2010 was a tough year, one filled with uncertainty. For me 2010 was a year held with new beginnings, starting my own business was a huge step in my journey towards financial freedom as well as work/life satisfaction. 2010 was spent shaping my business and the idea of going it alone. Joining as many Networks as I possibly could to link with likeminded business people was high on my list of priorities. Marketing, marketing and more marketing was key, and believe me this is ongoing. 2010 was also a year spent researching the world of Virtual working, I never knew that there was so many people out there trying to get a foot into this very exciting and rewarding business. I am however not naive enough not to know that some will fail and some will fly. I for one intend to fly no matter how big my wings are, I am determined to soar and make a success of what I have set out to achieve. 

I see 2011 as being a year of great things for me personally. For want of an analogy I see it as a journey, starting to build a Pyramid, setting my foundation, which I have already begun and slowly raising the foundation until I reach the Pinnacle. I see it as a year of building on what I have started which for me is so very exciting. I cannot wait to reach the Pinnacle. It will take time and allot of hard work, however I am determined and passionate enough to soar to the highest point. 

“From small beginnings come great things” – Chinese Proverb

I have learned that building a successful business takes time, effort, and a well thought out plan to achieve your goals.
I have also learned that a good Virtual Assistant can be a vital asset in any organisation,  however for the business owner wishing to work with a VA, knowing what to consider when collaborating with a VA will ensure that he/she makes the right choice for their situation in being able to find the perfect fit for their company.

So this is my message for you for 2011, may it be a year filled with every success and happiness. May all your hopes and dreams for 2011 manifest themselves for your personal lives as well as your professional lives. 
Take care, I look forward to building a more meaningful relationship with you and perhaps opening the door to meaningful dialogue and possibly collaborating with you during 2011. 

Lynn Berowsky

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